The ICOM IC-F5121D 56 136-174MHz IDAS Mobile is ideal for small-to-mid sized systems for public safety, large industry to light commercial users. It offers multiple signaling, advanced scanning, improved external channel control capability, and wide frequency coverage - all in a compact package.
today for a free consultation!
Built-in 2-Tone, 5-Tone, CTCSS and DTCS capabilities
6 programmable buttons
Hand microphone...
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The ICOM IC-F5121D 56 136-174MHz IDAS Mobile boasts front mounted speakers that deliver clear, loud audio.
136 - 174 MHz
Dot matrix, multi-function LCD
Tx channel setting and talk back function
Additional Features
Wide frequency coverage
Radio stun and kill functions disable a lost or stolen unit over the air
Busy repeater lockout function
today for a free consultation!